Choose Compassionate In-Home Hospice Care While at Epiphany Care Homes

Partner with Epiphany Care Homes to access Hospice Care around Minnetonka and Golden Valley, MN

Giving elderly individuals love and attention during their last days makes them feel more comfortable and accepting of their situation. Hospice care is a special type of patient care that involves looking after patients who are in the last stage of a terminal illness like Alzheimer's, cancer, heart and kidney disease or HIV.
Epiphany Care Homes partners with local hospice care specialists in Minnetonka and Golden Valley, MN to give the elderly the moral support they need. Our partnership with trusted hospice care providers in your area allows your loved ones to rest more comfortably.
Call us now for more information on our third-party hospice care partners, such as Park Nicollet, or find more information here.

Make the best of each day

Make the best of each day

Hospice care provides patients with personal attention and tries to minimize illness symptoms as much as possible. The goal is to reduce the strain on terminal patients and allow them to live their last days with dignity, surrounded by family and friends.

Our trusted third-party partners provide in-home hospice care services in homes, assisted living facilities and hospitals.

Get in touch with us to learn more about how our local hospice care partners can help your loved ones make each day count.